Sunday, May 24, 2009

Keeping in Touch

Staying connected is vital to the life of our group. We use YahooGroups! as our primary avenue of communication.

Discussion forums abound on the internet! On-line adoption forums and email groups are a wonderful way for adults to find support, gain advice, and share information. I, myself, belong to five internet forums /email discussion groups. The Center for Adoption Support & Education (C.A.S.E.) has a Kids' Page for young adoptees (age 9+). Show it to your "tween" or visit the link yourself, and click on the "circle of feelings" words to learn what your child may be feeling and thinking about.

The Adoption Club House (created by the National Adoption Center) is another online place for middle-school aged adoptees to find support. But, remember our younger children need support, too! Until they are old enough to communicate on-line within an adoptee discussion group, they need to have friends who share the commonality of adoption, who share a similar history, and who understand what it feels like to "grow up adopted." Kids need to play, talk and connect in real life.

If you would like to join Familias y Amigos you must live in the tri-state region of NY, NJ and PA. To request membership, please visit our YahooGroups! homepage at